Lunch and Learn: “African-Diasporic Peoples of Oklahoma and Indian Territories: Genealogy, Story & Culture” presentation by Shelby R. B. Ward

April 11, 12 p.m.1:15 p.m Central Time 

On Thursday, April 11, from noon to 1:15 p.m., the State Historic Preservation Office will host a free webinar with Shelby R. B. Ward.

The State of Oklahoma and Indian Territories are home to various African-Diasporic people groups, from Five Tribes Freedmen Communities to All-Black Towns and beyond. In this “Lunch and Learn” webinar, attorney, genealogist, and community historian Shelby Ward (Choctaw Freedman) will address key themes in the genealogy of African-descendent peoples and share research tips for people exploring black communities in Oklahoma. Topics include studying migration patterns, reading self-reflective sources of knowledge, and creating cultural artifacts for family storykeeping.

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