Membership & Support
Membership and Support
Join our Membership!
Membership in the Council for Museum Anthropology is open to any member of the American Anthropological Association who supports the Council’s purpose, subject to the payment of section dues as stipulated by the Board of Directors of the Council.
Membership Rates
- AAA members: Professional and Associate AAA members pay $30 per year for a membership in CMA.
- AAA Student Members: To encourage emerging museum anthropology scholars, student (both undergraduate and graduate) memberships in CMA are now available for only $5 per year.
Membership Benefits
- A subscription to Museum Anthropology, a journal that comments upon the display, representation, and interpretation of cultures and material culture in museums.
- Voting privileges and eligibility to serve as an officer or board member of the Council for Museum Anthropology.
- Opportunities for debate and discussion at the annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association, the American Association of Museums, regional museum and anthropology organizations, and at CMA-sponsored occasional meetings and seminars.
- Participation in special events at the AAA annual meeting, including behind-the-scenes museum collection tours, mentoring workshops, and the annual CMA Reception.
- All AAA members received a subscription to Anthropology News, which publishes a magazine quarterly. CMA members are eligible to author columns in the section news for Anthropology News
- AAA member benefits are available here.