The CMA Board is pleased to announce the two recipients of the 2022 CMA Student Travel Awards!

Emily Jean Leischner (University of British Columbia) who organized the CMA Invited session “Co-Creating an Anti-Colonial Cultural Sector” in which she will present “Captured Voices Still Speak the Law: Sound Recordings of Indigenous Voices in Museums.”

Annissa Malvoisin (University of Toronto) who will be a panelist on the CMA-reviewed panel, “Between Critique and Practice: Unsettling Collections Management through Anthropology.”


The CMA Student Travel Awards are designed to support graduate student travel to the annual AAA meeting to present papers and/or posters. Students and recent graduate degree recipients (those who have defended within the year of the award) are eligible to apply. Each year, CMA will award two prizes of $1000 each.

Student Travel Award recipients will be presented with receive a certificate of the award at the CMA Awards Ceremony and Reception in Seattle on Thursday, 10 November, 5- 7 pm.


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