Via School for Advanced Research
The Standards for Museums with Native American Collections (SMNAC)is a comprehensive document for use by museums with Native collections to clarify their roles as stewards and improve the museum field as it relates to Native American peoples, communities, and cultural items. The SMNAC document will provide support for institutions to become true community partners, enabling them to connect collections with descendent communities for more meaningful, relevant and culturally sensitive interpretation and documentation. The SMNAC will serve to guide all aspects of work within museums holding Native collections, making recommendations for the seven Function Areas as identified by AAM’s Standards of Excellence: Mission and Planning, Collections Stewardship, Facilities and Risk Management, Education and Interpretation, Leadership and Organizational Structure, Financial Stability, Public Trust and Accountability.
In addition, the SMNAC provides case studies from several institutions that exemplify meaningful collaboration and inclusion. At the end of the document is a list of resources for further exploration and research.
The SMNAC is generously supported by the Anne Ray Foundation with additional support by the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian