Museum and gallery professionals are often so busy that they do not have a chance to step back and reflect on larger issues facing their workplaces. Because responsibilities also tend to be segmented, one may only hear about institutional challenges through the grapevine, a management memo, or the press, but never be further involved. The Summer Institute in Museum Studies is a week-long concentrated course designed to provide professionals with such an opportunity. Offered by Carleton’s Institute for Comparative Studies in Literature, Art and Culture (known as ICSLAC), this non-credit program will focus on current issues in museum work, mainly but not exclusively in Canada. Participants will have the opportunity to experience lectures, discussions, readings, and museum and guided gallery visits that identify dilemmas and directions for those who work in this field and those that aspire to.Participants will also contribute a self-reflexive presentation at the end of the workshop.
The topics are a distillation of suggestions offered by gallery and museum directors and curators from across the country. Programming for the 2023 Summer Institute will cover the following (for a day-to-day breakdown, please visit our program page):
- Access
- Repatriation/Rematriation
- Decolonization, Leadership
- Difficult Histories.
Led by a Summer Institute Convenor, each day will cover a dedicated topic, with leading expertise provided by a guest contributor. The day will follow a workshop format and will include a lecture, discussion and guided site visit or tour. A bibliography relevant to the topics covered will be circulated. This one-week course will close with a presentation and discussion session led by participants. A certificate will be delivered upon completion of the course.
When: The Summer Institute will take place from August 21 to August 25, 2023.
Where: Institute for Comparative Studies in Literature, Art and Culture, 200 St Patrick’s Building, Carleton University.
Cost: The cost is $1,000 per participant and includes 5 lecture/discussion sessions, 4 guided museum visits, museum entry, and transport. Our refund policy can be viewed here.
Registration deadline: Ongoing. Enrolment is limited. We strongly encourage registering early.
Registration form: Please follow this link.
Contact us: CuratorialSummerInstitute@cunet.carleton.ca