Unsettling Museum Exhibits: International Perspectives on Paradigm Shifts in Native Community Collaborations.By Robert K. Collins, PhD ( SF State University) and Markus Lindner, PhD (Goethe University)How has the relationship between museums and Native Americans changed over time? What new paradigm shifts in museum practice lend to greater collaborations with Native American communities and individuals and enable exhibitions to illuminate the agency behind material culture? To explore this question, this edited volume brings into conversation European and U.S. anthropologists and American Indians Studies scholars on the changing relationships between museums and Native American communities and individuals and the best practices that enable museum practitioners to create exhibits that go beyond colonial and settler discourse, highlight “Native space” and agency, and portray Native Americans as integral to their material culture in both the U.S. past and present. The edited volume, to be submitted to Routledge Press, will illuminate examples of responsible effective collaborations that lend to the creation of exhibits which further expand museum practices while respecting Native American aims and their right to funerary objects and cultural patrimony under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). The timely nature of this edited volume is supported by changing Field Museum and Smithsonian exhibit practices and new anthropological scholarship on the topic that are direct precipitates of Native American contestation of culturally insensitive relationships with institutions and reconciliation and recognition by museum professionals of the collaborations needed for paradigm expansion.AIW 2023 session panelists, attendees, and interested scholars, please send a 250 word max abstract to Rob K. Collins at rkc@sfsu.edu or Markus Linderm.lindner@em.uni-frankfurt.de at by October 15, 2023. Notification of acceptance will made no later than November 1, 2023. Completed papers of 15-20 pages will be due on April 15, 2024.