Come join the Native American Archives Section!
The Society of American Archivists (SAA) Native American Archives Section (NAAS) is seeking (self-)nominations for Vice Chair/Chair-Elect and three Steering Committee members. Anyone is welcome to apply, including students and early-career archivists. If you work with Native American archival materials, or are interested in learning more about the Protocols for Native American Archival Materials, this is a great way to get involved and influence the profession. Tribal & Indigenous archivists and archivists working with Native American materials are especially encouraged to apply.
- The Vice Chair/Chair-Electis a two-year term, serving the first year as Vice Chair and the second year as Chair. The Chair-Elect assists the Chair in conducting section business. In the absence of the Chair, the Chair-Elect assumes the duties of Chair. The Chair-Elect becomes the Chair of the section in the second year of the term. The Chair presides over section meetings, directs section activities, appoints liaisons, and submits a final annual section report to SAA Council following the end of their term as Chair. The outgoing Chair serves a third year on the Steering Committee as Immediate Past Chair and Chair of the Nominating Committee.
- A Steering Committee Member-at-Largeserves a two-year term, participates in Steering Committee meetings, and provides input, and general support to the Steering Committee. Sections members may volunteer for additional roles (e.g. Editor for the Case Study series, social media manager etc.) at the start of their term.
In the 2022-2023 year, the Section will be focusing on new ‘Indigenized’ training for stewarding archival collections; new archival repatriation initiatives; expanding our Protocols Case Study series, toolkit, and resources; and continuing to support the adoption of the Protocols for Native American Archival Materials. This is a great time to get involved especially if you are interested in Indigenous archival advocacy! Please feel free to contact any member of the Steering Committee with questions about the activities of the Section and the Steering Committee.
We welcome and encourage self-nominations. DEADLINE EXTENDED! Please send your self-nominations via this google form by May 30.
Please note that SAA membership is a requirement for section leadership. If you are interested in joining NAAS, but are unable to join SAA due to financial reasons, or have any other questions about this process, please contact NAAS Chair Diana Marsh at